
Special advertizing section???

Hey yall. Just will here telling you to visit Linneas blog, Musings Of Linnea Sumner, pretty sweet if I do say so myself. Also, make sure to check out tom's website, http://www.tomrichter.webs.com/. copy and paste into your browser, I'm to lazy to make it into a link. Oh, wait, i just looked up and it made Itself into a link,..
Just uploaded that cat. pretty sweet right?
So i am sitting here at my desk freezig my butt off while blogging to you and adjusting my socks. puma socks. red puma socks. Hey! maybe that cat up there is a puma! it may be a puma, but it is not red and is surely not a sock...
Hmmm. Ive got to think about what should be my next poll question. What is the best type of brekfast cereal... maybe... Which is better, subway, jj's, or Quiznos... time will tell.
Hey thats all for now. later skater.
-will :)

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