
Hey yall I'm at my grandmas house. How awesome is that??? (answer= extremely awesome). So let's see, where did I leave off with those letters...?
It appears as though I left off at Q. so whats after Q?
R is lime green and hyper.
S is white and nerdy. (did that song just pop into your head?)
T is brown and ugly and hairy. It lives in the yucatan.
U are awesome for reading my blog.
V is blue and lives on Neptune.
W illiam is ballin.
Xis red and a bandwagonner.
Y is purple and is a judje on american idol.
Z is pale blue and lazy.
So thats It for the letters. Make sure to vote.
On to othere matters.
In my grandmas room where her computer is there is a massive collection of puzzles. one of the puzzles is entitled "1000 places to see before you die". I was wondering, what if the person dies before they complete the puzzle, and they never know where to visit. that would be a great time to sue University games. (while digging through the puzzles just now to see which brand created the puzzle, I knocked down a puzzle with a tin lid and it made a big clanging noise.)
So that doth be it for today.
Checkya later,
William :)

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