

So, all of you out there in blog landdddd... what is up today??? I just got back from running track with the high school, 600m repeats. stepped in some dog craaap and now all 3 pairs of running shoes i own are covered in dog dish!!! But thats OK... I'll live... to wash it off at least...

Today I woke up and took a 30 minute shower. I put on a green shirt, some khaki shorts, and black socks, and ate my granola bar. I brushed my teeth and went to school. That is my typical morning.
You may have guessed it by the lameness so far that i have no clue in the world in the solar system in the galaxy in the vergo supercluster of galaxys in the universe in all of God's sweet creation to write about.
The weather is getting nice. you know what else is nice??? food. food is good very good. but i must not digress. Were going to grill burgers tonight, and clean the dog crap off my shoes. How would a dog feel if i crapped all over his/her foot??? Anyway, I like to shoot hoops while my
gotta go

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