
Hey this is will again.
I'm blogging from the computer lab at school. how cool is that?
I'll make another post tonight.
Teddy is on the computer next to me, playing a typing game. I'm pretty sure he's gonna set a world record.
Ooh. that was a close one. I'm on science teacher alert.
Ok now i'm typing in red.
Well ok now its almost time to go.
Earlier this morning i was in study hall doing sudoko. I got stuck so I let out a loud howl.
Donald is acting comedy rite now. Mr. millang is mad.
Ok time to go. Cu later tonight i think.


top of the morning to you!!!

I have added the double cheeseburger to my list of macs/bk thangs. as an honorable mention.

Today i went to school.

Now i will tell you all the different numbers and there personalities and colors.
1 is red and very ornary.
2 is blue and likes to hang.
3 is orange and very annoying.
4 is yellow and good at sports.
5 is purple and gos to hogwarts.
6 is black and very kind, yet very boring.
7 is green and smells good and has sweet shoes.
8 is brown and smells bad.
9 is pink and bipolar.

Thats all today. cya around!


this blog is quite bigmanitiguos

Hay this is will.

Where is hidden valley? also, where is thousand island? Those sound like delicious places to visit.

I would play the lottery if they let me pick the balls.

Got another list of faves. this is my list of stuff on macs/bk menu.
1.Angry whopper/bk
2.chicken mcnuggets/macs
3.big mac/macs

I like fast food better in the winter cuz its hot food. I like subway/jj's better in the summer.

I made up some words last night- i thought i'd share the definitions with u.
bigmanitiguos- fluffy
garjaflaggable- smelly
trewasidatizing- eating everything but the crust of the pizza.
yukaphalapothy- when a body part gets stuck in a zipper

Thats all for today folks. catcha later.


never trust mailmen

Hi there all of you out ther in cyberworld. bored? so am i.

I've been thinking about buying a horse. a few good years of free transportations, and o few good weeks of meals after that.

I changed the order on the list of my fave colors ...
I switched around Orange to my number 5 spot and moved Blue to my number 4 spot...

mailmen are always saying that they deliver the mail no matter if its rain, snow, or hail.
I stay inside no matter what if its rain, snow, or hail. I'm just as good as a mailman, if not better.

Yesterday i was playing balderdash and the word was "Dhole". I put, "Dhole is two times Dhalf."

Make sure to leave some comments. tell me ur list of fave colors, and what you think about

And that is all folks. time to eat some lefteover chicken.


what be up

Is it just me, or does the superbowl this year suck?
My Eagles shoulda made it hands down. terrible call.
Im hungry. Im craving Hot sauce.
Yesterday. I decided tht my favorite collors go in this order:
1. Yellow
2. Purple
3. Green
4. Orange
5. Blue.
6. Red.
this is probably because yellow reminds me of bananas, and it took me, till, like when i was 7 to pronounce it properly. I'm proud of myself. lellow, lellow...
I hate red cuz it reminds me of blood. Blood makes me woozy, unless its my own blood.
Yet again, red reminds me of pasta sauce. so...

If anyone is cheering against the cardinals, im gonna get um. its gonna be like, W...W...W fighting.
( is it WWL? WWF? world wrestling something. )

Today I woke up and put on my kicks, and something was wrong. There was a cheerio in one of them!

Thats all for today. Byebye!
