

Goodmorning to those currently in the blogosphere of will shirey :)
Its about 10 am here at my grandparents place. I woke up and watched some game shows, read an article in scientific american (casual dynamical triangulations, quantum spacetime), and am currently blogging and watching the news. Mrs Obama is speaking. be right back.
OK im back. and guess what i saw? the french were cheering for obama! the french! they hate our guts! and we deserve it! but they cheered for us!
I'm not going to tell you what i just pulled out of my nose.
Ok shut up now Obama is talking.
Ok now I'm back. Did you know that South Africa has 3 capitals? Cape town, Johannesburg, and Bloemfontain. thats pretty much baller. If america had 3 capitals and I could choose them, they would be Philadelphia, Aspen, and Boston. Philly because I had the best meal of my life there, Aspen because i had the other best meal of my life there, and Boston because of the RED SOX.
Did you know that I heart the red sox?
We've reached copiculation.
So on to other topics. It's starting to warm up! this means that I can shoot some hoops and ride my bike to village inn for some pies.


sticks and stones

Hello america and the rest of the world. this is willshire blogging to you from my grandmother's den. I just got back inside from picking up some sticks outside and then practicing my ping pong serves (I can get my backs-side spin serve to make a "C" shape).

So let's get to the new poll question. It's asking you which of five different animals you would rather have as a pet. Scroll all the way to the bottom to check it out.

Hey I take back what I said about the british soccer channel. after someone scores a goal, they replay it like 57 times and they wont shut up about how much the goalie sucks. give the guy a break!

But game show network is still pretty much baller. family feud, who wants to be a millionare, lingo, pyramid, hollywood squares, jeopardy, you name it. channel 116 is rock my socks baller.

Man would I love to be in London right now, protesting about our politicians' nonexistent global warming attention. the rest of those freaks can protest, but I want to be with the global warming people. partly for the cause, but mostly cuz all they do is play twister and hold signs.

Make sure to turn off your lights, save some energy, and play some twister.

Goodbye america and the rest of the world,



Hey all of you people still at my grandparents place. I heart it. They have root beer and chocolate and ping pong and a fazillion channels. It's pretty baller if i do say so myself. The best channel is a tie between the fox soccer network and the game show channel. the soccer channel is great because theres a load of old british dudes yelling at you through the TV. the games show channel is baller because of tom bergeran.

Hey make sure to vote. looks like puma is going to win. I'm wearing my white pumas right now.

bye bye,

william : )


Hey yall I'm at my grandmas house. How awesome is that??? (answer= extremely awesome). So let's see, where did I leave off with those letters...?
It appears as though I left off at Q. so whats after Q?
R is lime green and hyper.
S is white and nerdy. (did that song just pop into your head?)
T is brown and ugly and hairy. It lives in the yucatan.
U are awesome for reading my blog.
V is blue and lives on Neptune.
W illiam is ballin.
Xis red and a bandwagonner.
Y is purple and is a judje on american idol.
Z is pale blue and lazy.
So thats It for the letters. Make sure to vote.
On to othere matters.
In my grandmas room where her computer is there is a massive collection of puzzles. one of the puzzles is entitled "1000 places to see before you die". I was wondering, what if the person dies before they complete the puzzle, and they never know where to visit. that would be a great time to sue University games. (while digging through the puzzles just now to see which brand created the puzzle, I knocked down a puzzle with a tin lid and it made a big clanging noise.)
So that doth be it for today.
Checkya later,
William :)


My apologies

Hey folks sorry that I havent been able to blog lately. or should I say, didnt blog lately. My bad, every body.
So How many of you participated in earth hour last P.M? I did (We were supposed to start at 8:30, but i started at 8:57). I turned off everything but the TV. The Incredibles was on.


Nordic?downhill?cross country?

Hey dogs. Will here. Blogging from my iPod on this mass of snow the call snowmass village, deep in the heart of the Colorado Rockies. Just got back from dinner, wild alaskan salmon.

I've been doing some sudoku lately. I'm pretty much ballet at sudoku. Green belt.

So tommorow I'll wake up at eight, down some pancakes, throw on a coat, and hit the mountain. I could not be any more excited, I've been waiting to ski all year. Dinkin flicka, right?

That's all for now.

Checkya later,

P.S vote!



Hey y'all it's will, blogging to you from Denver Colorado, the mile high city, on my iPod. We woke up at like five in the morning and it sucked, but it'll be worth it because of all of the freaking defreakinlicious food. Tomorrow, before we drive into the aspen area, well go cross country skiing. Then well get to the condo in the evening and meet up with some of our extended family, and go for some pizza. Then well go skiing a lot and I don't know what will happen after that.

Dear Goodness it feels strange to not excersize for two days in a row.

I'll try to blog every night or more if I can. Make sure you vote! New poll! Scroll to the bottom of your screen.

Checkya later, will.



Hey so this will be a short post about to take nap but just wantid to post so I could sleep easy.




Special advertizing section???

Hey yall. Just will here telling you to visit Linneas blog, Musings Of Linnea Sumner, pretty sweet if I do say so myself. Also, make sure to check out tom's website, http://www.tomrichter.webs.com/. copy and paste into your browser, I'm to lazy to make it into a link. Oh, wait, i just looked up and it made Itself into a link,..
Just uploaded that cat. pretty sweet right?
So i am sitting here at my desk freezig my butt off while blogging to you and adjusting my socks. puma socks. red puma socks. Hey! maybe that cat up there is a puma! it may be a puma, but it is not red and is surely not a sock...
Hmmm. Ive got to think about what should be my next poll question. What is the best type of brekfast cereal... maybe... Which is better, subway, jj's, or Quiznos... time will tell.
Hey thats all for now. later skater.
-will :)

Thats what she said.

Hey jill I'm hungry. Pretty sweet right? I answer that self inposed question with a resounding NO. Plus, the lunch today is disgoisting. Meatballs and gravy??? Herb rice??? Steamed peas??? the only thing to save our souls is pepperoni pizza, wich they usually undercook anyway. O wellllll... whatever. Maybe I'll just eat my shirt.
Checkya later,
